Guide Dog Visit!

Guide Dog Visit!

  Here in Third Class, we were delighted when the school received a visit from the Guide Dogs for the Blind.  We listened very attentively as we were told about all the wonderful things that guide dogs do for both the blind and also people with special needs.  At...

Mona Lisa

This week 5th class did their own version of the Mona Lisa. Here is how we made it. We got a plain white piece of paper. Then we cut squares out of the paper. We got a picture of the Mona Lisa on the internet. And then our teacher divided the Mona Lisa into squares....
Practice for our Musical!

Practice for our Musical!

  Here are a few shots from one of our many, many (!!) practices for our musical Cinderella Spinderella – well done to all children involved for learning lines, dance moves, lyrics and songs.  Everybody gave a super performance on the 2 nights of our show...