

  Here in Rang 3, we have been learning all about the Olympics – as we all know, the Olympics 2012 are being held in London so it is very exciting having an Olympic venue so close to us.  We have learned all about the Ancient and Modern Olympics: Did you...
Guide Dog Visit!

Guide Dog Visit!

  Here in Third Class, we were delighted when the school received a visit from the Guide Dogs for the Blind.  We listened very attentively as we were told about all the wonderful things that guide dogs do for both the blind and also people with special needs.  At...
G’Day Mate!!

G’Day Mate!!

  Australia Day is celebrated every year on January 26th so we, in Third Class, decided to celebrate it too!!  We first read all about the Land Down Under as a class and then split up into 4 groups to move in stations around the classroom. At Station 1 we had to...
Maths Trail!

Maths Trail!

  Third class 2011 are wonderful mathematicians – each day, we L O V E to learn all about numbers, measures, shapes, etc.  This week, we have been learning all about length – here are some pictures of 3rd class on a Maths Trail in our yard.  We first estimated...
Football Blitz!

Football Blitz!

Rang 3 boys are taking part in a football blitz for the next four weeks.  This is a non-competitive blitz with an emphasis on participation and skill development.  However, there were many cheers when our boys won 3 out of 3 matches on our first day!!  Here’s to...