What a brilliant day we had in Rumley’s Farm yesterday. The weather was perfect, the bus trip was fun and the children had such fun on the farm. We used all our senses on the day, our sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste.
We saw lots of new things for example the smallest monkey in the world, water buffalo, wolves and an eagle owl.
We smelt farm smells!!! The smelliest animals were the guinea pigs!
We felt the woolly sheep Rosie and we gave her a bottle of milk. Later she followed us around the playground.
We heard all the sounds on the farm like the milking machine, the tractor, the ducks, the parrots, the cows and lots more.
Of course we had very tasty, healthy lunches that our moms and dads made for us!
Mary and I slept all night soundly dreaming about all the fun things we did and I am sure the children were all very tired after also!!