Representatives from the NAESP (National Association of Elementary School Principals) from the USA came to visit our school recently. We were very honoured to have them come to see what we do. They were treated to songs and poems in Infants and 6th Class and they also had a very interesting discussion with our 6th Class on the differences and similarities between the US and Irish education systems. Our pupils represented our school excellently and we are very proud of them. Our Students Council presented the Principals with Homework Off vouchers for the students in their own schools so I am sure that we will be very popular over there!
Our Students Council presented the Homework Off Vouchers and the NAESP Reps presented each child with a wristband and some unique Montana, Huckleberry Taffy (sweets).
Infants welcomed our visitors and showed off their talents.
6th Class had a very interesting discussion with our visitors.
Pictured above are NAESP Representatives with Virginia O’Mahony, IPPN Assistant Director and Brendan McCabe, President IPPN (Irish Primary Principals Network) along with Micheál Rea, Principal and Gillian Diamond, Deputy Principal.